GG Equine has a long-standing dedication to helping registered equine non-profits. With a little bit of official information, we can enroll these organizations in our non-profit discount program. Most of our staff has worked at or with non-profits in the past.
We are only too aware that rescues, equine therapy, and other such places not only do good work, but also have to do that work with very limited resources. More often than not, they operate through the good will of volunteers and the donations of people who care.
This GG herd story is about a horse who would seem to be an unlikely candidate for a GreenGuard Grazing Muzzle. This is Jughead, also known as “Jugs.” When the folks at Rainfall Ranch Rescue in Lakebay, Washington, heard about him in December of 2022, he was in really poor shape, and 250 pounds underweight.

Jughead (“Jugs”) in January 2023. Photo by Rainfall Ranch.

Jugs wearing his GreenGuard Grazing Muzzle, October 2023
Rainfall Ranch and Rescue is a woman-operated non-profit that helps horses and people find healing and supportive community. Like any non-profit, they face daily challenges of making the work that they do sustainable for the communities - equine and human - that they serve. As a woman-owned small business, GG Equine is so proud to be able to help organizations like Rainfall Ranch in the ways we are able.

Jugs, a happy and healthy horse, June 2024. Photo by Rainfall Ranch.
We are grateful to get photos like the ones of Jugs in his muzzle to see that even small gestures can make a big impact. If you work for or with a registered equine non-profit, reach out to our team to find out how to enroll in our discount program. If you are reading this and want to find out how you can support the work of Rainfall Ranch Rescue, visit their website and follow them at the links below.
Support Rainfall Ranch Rescue